- Stardict Dictionaries French Revolution
- Stardict Dictionaries French Translation
- Stardict Dictionaries French Quarter
- Stardict Dictionaries French English
StarDict Lingvo Dictionaries UP. Lingvo Universal: LingvoUniversal (English-Russian) tarbal: 11M, 96720 words. Bilingual dictionaries, including English to French and French to English. Oxford Reference Online Includes: the Oxford-Hachette and the Oxford Business English -French dictionaries. OnlineDic is a dictionary running on linux,BSD,Windows, ac.It supports Chinese,English,French,Japanese,Dutch,Spanish and more.You can change between online dictionaries quickly.Dictionary files from pydict, stardict or EPWING format are supported too. That's so bad: here are the only english-french dictionaries I found at this time, and I'd like so much to read english novels in their own language. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered.
Imagine that you want to have fast, offline access to a dictionary. Tomultiple dictionaries, glossaries, and encyclopedias. Perhaps you wantto store this data in a way that can be used across multiple systems,without relying on a local dictionary server (like dictd or dicod).Perhaps you would like the option of using either a simple, scriptablecommand to query those dictionaries, or a full GUI.
You need StarDict. The primary project is atstardict-4.sourceforge.net.
Dictionary storage
User dictionaries are stored in ~/.stardict/dic; system dictionariesin /usr/share/stardict/dic.
As an example, the following files exist in~/.stardict/dic/stardict-wordnet-3.0.0/:
Stardict Dictionaries French Revolution
- wordnet.idx
- wordnet.syn
- wordnet.dict.dz
- wordnet.ifo
Dictionaries are gzip compressed (the dz file).
Client software
For command line queries I recommend sdcv, which is available in thesdcv package in Debian. Foryour convenience, set up the following in a script or shell alias.
GUI: GoldenDict
Dictionary sources
A good source for dictionaries in StarDict format:http://download.huzheng.org/
Recommended dictionaries:
- stardict-acronyms-2.4.2
- stardict-BritannicaConcise-2.4.2
- stardict-CIA09-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-bouvier-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-gazetteer2k-counties-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-gazetteer2k-places-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-gazetteer2k-zips-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-jargon-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-moby-thesaurus-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd-vera-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_elements-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_foldoc-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_gcide-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_wn-2.4.2
- stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_world95-2.4.2
- stardict-eng_irregular-2.4.2
- stardict-EnglishEtymology-2.4.2
- stardict-thesaurus-ee-2.4.2
- stardict-wordnet-3.0.0
The GoldenDict site has a list of dictionarysources.
Wikipedia and Wiktionary
Stardict Dictionaries French Translation
Two obvious sources for dictionaries are Wikipedia and Wiktionary.
- Babylon Software provides a Wikipedia glossarywhich seems to be an abbreviated Wikipedia.
- There are some Wiktionary dictionaries in Stardict format availablefrom dictinfo.com. These are gettingold though; as of this writing most of the files there are from theyear 2018.
Regarding Wikipedia database conversion, the following links may beinteresting:
Converting a dictionary to StarDict format
The KTranslator projectprovides dictconv, a tool for converting between dictionaryformats. It converts Babylon, Freedict, and Sdictionary formats toStarDict. In Debian, just install dictconv.
Stardicter is a Python toolfor converting various dictionary formats to the StarDict format.
The stardict-4 projectprovides utilities for converting DICT, wquick, mova, and pydictformats to StarDict. In Debian, just install the stardict-toolspackage.
Stardict Dictionaries French Quarter
See also
Stardict Dictionaries French English
- The old stardict project onSourceForge
- The old stardict-3project on Google Code